The Digital Art History Directory is a searchable collection of digital art history projects, both active and retired. Our goal is to create the most comprehensive listing of projects available, to increase visibility, build community, and help scholars and librarians to study and improve the practice of digital art history. To this end, we have an inclusive attitude toward what projects fall within the scope of the directory. We welcome projects that are:
- Both large, institutionally supported endeavors as well as small, independent ones
- Projects by faculty, students, independent scholars, librarians, museum professionals, and publishers
- Projects that have are in active development, are published, or have been retired/archived and are no longer available at a live URL
- Projects that explore art, art history, architecture, and architectural history. Under these broad umbrellas we do exclude projects that center literature, textual analysis, and other digital humanities projects that do not engage with the visual arts.
- Projects that use digital and computational methodologies, digitize collections, publish in a born-digital format, or otherwise utilize digital tools or platforms to produce art historical scholarship
My project isn’t finished yet or is ongoing. Can I submit it to the DAHD?
Yes! The DAHD can be a great way to share your project in its early stages. We regularly update the project database so if your project changes or evolves to the point where you no longer feel the DAHD record is representative, we can work with you to update your project record in the database.
How can I contribute to the DAHD?
Our greatest need is for new project submissions so that we can grow our resource and data set! We do have a preference for records submitted by a project’s contributors, since we believe that it is valuable to have the nature of the project and its methodology described by the people who built it. If you are a member of an organization or institution that has been involved with many projects (or you’re an incredibly industrious individual) we offer a bulk deposit option that will make it easier to submit multiple project records simultaneously. You can find out about both methods of submitting to us on our Submission Instructions page.
We also maintain running lists of open data collections and open image collections for the benefit of our community and to promote accessible research resources. If you are aware of any resources that you feel should be included, please reach out to us at arlis.dahd@gmail.com!
Is the data exportable? How can I get that information?
Yes, the data from the DAHD can be exported as a CSV. Please send a request using the “Contact Us” form on our site and choose “Database report” from the dropdown menu. Please note that we cannot provide you with copies of the images we display on our site, as we do not control the right to distribute them or to grant permissions for reuse.