Digital Benin

Digital Benin brings together all objects, historical photographs and rich documentation material from collections worldwide to provide a long-requested overview of the royal artefacts from Benin Kingdom looted...

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Whistler’s Peacock Room

The site functions both as a digital archive and as an immersive virtual environment in which users can explore the Peacock Room, learn about the objects it has...

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Rosetti Archive

The Rossetti Archive facilitates the scholarly study of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the painter, designer, writer, and translator who was, according to both John Ruskin and Walter Pater, the...

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What Jane Saw

A website where the user is invited to explore two art exhibitions witnessed by Jane Austen: the Sir Joshua Reynolds retrospective in 1813 or the Shakespeare Gallery as...

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Vincent van Gogh: The Letters

The letters are the window to Van Gogh’s universe. This edition, the product of 15 years of research at the Van Gogh Museum and Huygens ING, contains all...

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London Gallery Project

The London Gallery Project is a research repository and visualization of the history of the commercial art gallery in London, c. 1850-1914. The project is based at Bowdoin...

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