Occupation and Architecture in Krakow

As is well known, Krakow became a key location within the National Socialist plan for military expansion and the implementation of genocide in Eastern Europe during World War...

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ARIES: ARt Image Exploration Space

The system we have designed, which is now in beta version, is called ARIES for ARt Image Exploration Space. ARIES is an interactive image manipulation system that allows...

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Mapping Paintings

Mapping Paintings is an open-source platform that allows users to tailor-make their own individual scholarly mapping projects. The platform facilitates the realization of these types of projects with...

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Paris Past and Present

Paris Past and Present is a digital project that aims to create interactive 3D-digital models of great ‘lost’ monuments, architectural complexes, and diverse quartiers of medieval Paris. Through...

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Mapping Titian

Mapping Titian allows users to visualize one of the most fundamental concerns of the discipline of Art History: the interrelationship between an artwork and its changing historical context....

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London Gallery Project

The London Gallery Project is a research repository and visualization of the history of the commercial art gallery in London, c. 1850-1914. The project is based at Bowdoin...

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