Dictionary of Art Historians

The Dictionary of Art Historians is a long-standing privately-funded research tool begun in 1986. An open-source public database of historians of western art history, the Dictionary is supported...

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ARIES: ARt Image Exploration Space

The system we have designed, which is now in beta version, is called ARIES for ARt Image Exploration Space. ARIES is an interactive image manipulation system that allows...

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Mapping Paintings

Mapping Paintings is an open-source platform that allows users to tailor-make their own individual scholarly mapping projects. The platform facilitates the realization of these types of projects with...

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Mapping Video Art

‘Mapping Video Art’ is an experiment in data visualization created at the Institute of Fine Arts. The project allows the user to see the movement of video art...

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What Jane Saw

A website where the user is invited to explore two art exhibitions witnessed by Jane Austen: the Sir Joshua Reynolds retrospective in 1813 or the Shakespeare Gallery as...

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Mapping Titian

Mapping Titian allows users to visualize one of the most fundamental concerns of the discipline of Art History: the interrelationship between an artwork and its changing historical context....

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Vincent van Gogh: The Letters

The letters are the window to Van Gogh’s universe. This edition, the product of 15 years of research at the Van Gogh Museum and Huygens ING, contains all...

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